Tatiana L.
400-hour RYT
50-hour Trauma Somatic Therapy
My Teaching Style
My teaching style is soft and intentional. I do not think of myself so much as a "Teacher" but rather a fellow Yogi amongst you, who happens to be at the front of the class. My practice is organic and my teaching style emphasizes personal movement, rhythm, breath, and state of being, with my voice as a guide. My primary intention is to make you feel safe. Keep in mind that we are driven and inspired by your dedication to yourself, not to us. Thank you for trusting me on your yoga journey.
I have been practicing yoga asanas since the tender age of 14 and since then, it has been an inseparable part of my life. In the years following, I became a 400-hour RYT through Yoga Union Bali and the guidance of renowned yogi Jonah Kest. I spent the next 2 years teaching all over the world. I returned to my hometown of Madison, Wisconsin in the spring of 2020, where I began deepening my meditation practice and yin teachings. In the winter of 2023, I was in a skiing accident that left me with a broken pelvis, fractured back, and reconstructed neck. 3 months later, I was practicing again. 6 months later, I was back at the front of the classroom guiding other yogis. When asked about how I recoverer so rapidly, the answer is simple: yoga. Mental and Physical. Yoga is so much more than a few fun poses, it's the answer to so many of our problems. I have taught people of all ages, nationalities, and native tongues, and I invite everyone and anyone to be a part of my class and my journey.
Favorite Pose
Elevated Savasana - OK, I am biased! As a Yin teacher and practitioner, my favorite poses are ones you steep in for a while. Laying on a big comfortable bolster and listening to relaxing music is one of my favorite poses and pass times.
Favorite Quote
"I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive."
– Esther Ekhart
Why I Love Dragonfly
Dragonfly has created a home for Madison Yoga practitioners that is immensely valuable. The DFly team truly cares about your experience. I am immensely grateful for their care for teachers, staff, and students alike.
Little Known Fact About Me
I missed the first week of college my senior year because a giant monsoon destroyed the only bridge out of a small town I was staying in in Madagascar. I came home with a story to tell, but never did get those absences dismissed!
Tatiana L's Class Schedule