Michele D
I started yoga classes about 12 years ago, practicing mostly in the winter months, during my off season from running and triathlon training. Over the past year, I had multiple injuries which prevented running and swimming and so took yoga more full time. It was amazing to see my body healing with all of the consistent practice. I’ve tried just about every class, and find something valuable in each one. Yoga is also a way for me to decompress from my stressful job, which allows me to be recharged.
Favorite Pose
Favorite Quote
“This is a wonderful day, I’ve never seen this one before.” - Maya Angelou
Why I Love Dragonfly
The convenience of multiple locations, class times and types and the amazing instructors and staff. I truly feel welcome there and leave feeling so peaceful. I enjoy it so much, I applied for the new studio in Verona as a part time job in addition to my full time career!
Little Known Fact About Me
I have built houses on 4 continents with Habitat for Humanity Global Village and in 2022 spent 3 months living and teaching health classes at an orphanage mission in Haiti.