Jaime F.
Social Media Manager
My very first group yoga class experience was at Dragonfly in 2014 and fell in love immediately. I was scared at first -- I knew nothing about yoga, let alone hot yoga, and thought I would make a fool out of myself. Instead, I found this amazing community of positive, real people who encouraged me to try, to laugh off mistakes and get right back in, and focus on what I was doing in my own body instead of worrying about everyone around me was doing or thinking. I also work at the desk over at our sister studio, Flyght (shout out Flyght Fam!) and am wholeheartedly, deeply in love with this Fly community!
Favorite Pose
Favorite Quote
"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud."
– Maya Angelou
Why I Love Dragonfly
Every instructor is amazing and cares about their students. I learn something new in every class I take, and the instructors (especially Suki in those early mornings!) will always drop some major life knowledge on me. And it's always exactly what I need to hear. No matter how I feel when I get to Dragonfly, I always feel centered, happy, and omazing when I leave.
Little Known Fact About Me
I cannot whistle to save my life (despite many, many attempts) and I recently started learning American sign language!