Eleanor H.
CYT 200
My Teaching Style
I aim to create a welcoming and energetic space for yoga practice. I love that yoga blends physical fitness with space for mental reflection, and I try to create that in each class. Students coming to my class can expect to leave feeling energized, and refreshed, and with smiles on their faces.
I love practicing yoga because it makes me feel relaxed, happy, and strong. I started as a way to stretch out and compliment high school sports, but I stayed because it helps me feel more calm both on and off the mat. I completed my training at Empower Yoga in Milwaukee in 2020, and am thrilled to be living in Madison and teaching at Dragonfly.
Favorite Pose
Supine pigeon!
Favorite Quote
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't -you're right."
– Henry Ford
Why I Love Dragonfly
I attended yoga classes sporadically in college at Dragonfly and at other studios, but Dragonfly has always stood out with the great variety of classes and inclusive environment for everyone.
Little Known Fact About Me
I played violin in Carnegie Hall in high school.
Eleanor H's Class Schedule