Colin P.
CYT 200
Warriors at Ease Level One
My Teaching Style
Strong, calm, adventurous. I strive to challenge yogis to find, then bring out their inner strength. Giving plentiful opportunities for growth through options and variations in poses. Favoring longer holds and silence to encourage yogis to find themselves in a pose. Always the fan of the "tricky transitions" and the laughs that can accompany them!
I come from a background of over 15 years of group and individual physical training. I've spread my training over numerous disciplines, due to copious injuries and a few surgeries. Combining my acquired knowledge over the years, as the backbone for my teaching.
Favorite Pose
Twisted Crescent
Favorite Quote
"If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."
Why I Love Dragonfly
The positive attitudes and an environment for growth.
Little Known Fact About Me
My yoga practice started with my CYT 200 training here at Dragonfly, Fall 2023. Jumped right into the deep end!
Colin P's Class Schedule