Carrie M.
Yoga Up
Power Up
My Teaching Style
I plan my classes to be equal parts challenging, motivating, and fun. I often think of Maya Angelou’s quote “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. I want people to leave class feeling empowered, strong, valued, and encouraged about their wellness and fitness community. I keep my passion for fitness in the forefront and remain creative and innovative in movement and the format of classes. I think music adds so much to a class, and so I always try to make a fun playlist that makes people want to move (or dance)!
I have been a student of yoga, Up’s, and Barre since Dragonfly opened in 2011 and offered a variety of classes. I became certified in Yoga Up and Power Up in 2015.
Favorite Pose
Half Moon
Favorite Quote
"I have decided to stick with Love. Hate is too much of a burden to bear."
– Martin Luther King Jr.
Why I Love Dragonfly
Dragonfly has always provided me with a community unlike any other in my life. I have always felt supported at Dragonfly as a member, a teacher, and as a person. I love all the classes and teachers. I truly consider everyone I work out with and work with my friend. Dragonfly has deeply impacted my life throughout the years, and I will always be grateful for that!
Little Known Fact About Me
I love volcanos and plan all my big trips to locations that have a volcano that I can hike.
Carrie M's Class Schedule