How did you get started at Dfly?
I first started at Dragonfly in 2018 when I did a free monthly trial and really loved it. I practiced pretty consistently for a few months after that and then I would go on and off over the years until last fall when I started attending regularly. I’ve tried to go to at least four classes a week since October.
What was your yoga/fitness/barre experience before Dfly?
Basically none! I had done some yoga youtube/videos but not much before joining Dragonfly.
What do you enjoy most from attending Dfly classes?
I love that I totally stop thinking about anything else that is stressing me out or going on in my life when I am in a yoga class. I also love how different each class is depending on who teaches it.
Have you experienced any changes in your total well-being since taking classes?
I started getting serious about going to yoga because I needed something else to focus on other than work. Regular yoga has been amazing for my sleep and stress levels, makes me feel strong and healthy, and has actually helped me create a much better work/life balance. I’m very grateful to have it as an outlet.
How often do you attend classes? What is your favorite class?
I try to go at least four times a week. Summer is really busy for me and I have to be at work earlier so I have fallen out of my morning class routine but I love going to the morning flow classes at 6am, especially in winter when it is still dark and cold outside. I also really like Yin classes.
Please feel free to share any other thoughts you have about Dfly, hot yoga/fitness, or your life as we would love to know more about you.
I am very appreciative to have such a great yoga community and have staff that are welcoming. That is a big part of why I like Dragonfly so much.
Instructor Jordan B.: “Laura consistently shows up on her mat, ready and present for those 45 or 60 minutes — her dedication to her practice is evident. It has been wonderful to see her always show up for herself regardless of what her day holds, it inspires me and my own practice and I believe the people around her as well.”