I started taking yoga classes several years ago with my oldest daughter. She was a dancer and was looking to add something more to her routine, and I volunteered to try it with her. I love that experience with her. Even now, when she and I practice together we hold hands in shavasana. It’s such a lovely way for us to connect. I began doing a regular 5 days a week practice 2+ years ago, at a time of great change in my life. Having this space to call my home every day was incredible and I am not sure what I would have done without it. I love being in the studio. I added Flyght into my schedule in the last year and fell in love with that space as well. Between the two spaces, I am usually taking 9 classes a week.
Prior to Dragonfly I was an active member of a local Crossfit gym, weight lifter, Pilates, general athletics and a runner, but never took any yoga classes. After trying it a couple of times, I realized the benefit my mind and body were receiving from my regular practice and I was hooked. I love the community and the friendships I have made from attending Dragonfly. Most of the time you can see me with my closest friend Leigh. We met in the 9am yoga classes and have become the bestest of friends. We come early so that we can sit on our mats and chat. Some people meet for coffee, we meet for yoga.
I love seeing Tola’s and Cassie’s smiling faces when I come in the studio door, the staff and teachers are so great and I really enjoy being in the studio space because of them. I am so happy that there is such a variety of classes at Dragonfly. I started just taking the Flow classes, but have loved trying and adding the other classes to my schedule. I appreciate that these other opportunities are available here, where I am super comfortable and enjoy being.
Since I started taking regular classes at Dragonfly I have experienced an overall better sense of self. Better awareness of both my body and my mind. I love the exploration of mind and breath, and almost always walk away feeling better than when I walked in. I am better able to find balance and calmness in my day. A sense of grounding comes over me. My flexibility and strength have improved significantly, especially when I added the Power Up and Circuit Up. Over time, I have been able to do more and more poses and keep pushing myself to try new things. Adding in the Circuit up, Power Up and 3x a week Flyght classes have really aided in changing my body.
I also noticed that I allow more grace for myself and my workouts. Because yoga isn’t about a PR or counting my reps or making sure that each time I am winning. Instead, I can allow myself the rest when I need it, acknowledge when I am not feeling my best, and do what I can, when I can and that is acceptable. I attend 6 classes at Dragonfly each week. Picking a favorite class would be incredibly difficult… I try to never miss Brady’s Tuesday 9am class; it’s the anchor to my week. I have grown to love Shawn’s Circuit up. I love Shawn’s energy and her workouts. It has really changed things for me this year. Bekah’s Friday morning flow is my end of the week flow, where I leave it all behind for the final time before entering the weekend.
I am so thankful to the staff and teachers at Dragonfly, for being so welcoming, encouraging, and so accepting of my energy. They have really changed my life. I am grateful for every experience I have had at the studio. Thanks for selecting me as a Yogi of the Month and letting me brag about my great studio that I love!
Instructor Bekah Gant: “Kristina is completely dedicated to her practice of taking care of herself, inside and out. Her faithfulness in attending to her needs shows in her weekly presence on the mat. I admire her resolve and the tenderness with which she holds her wellness. Congrats on being yogi of the month, Kristina!”